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Abandon the ship! (videogame)

Last updated: January 18th, 2023.

Abandon the ship! is the second game of the Diddi Games Collection, featuring Diddi.

Product info

Category Information
Full name Abandon the ship!
Author Diego Ramirez
First release date November 25th, 2022 (first former release); November 29th, 2022 (first stable release)
Latest stable version 1.0.0
Download page “Abandon the ship!” at itch.io


Sourced from the project’s README

Saying “Abandon the ship!” is a quite frequent phrase, actually it’s considered an old cliché

Diddi, our space tech hero, is stuck on a damaged space cruiser, the Confidence. Everybody left. The ship was attacked a few moments ago, and now it’s doomed to destruction.

If Diddi wants to appear on further games and stories, he should “abandon the ship” as soon as possible!


Diddi spawns on a corner of the Confidence. The goal is to reach out the other side, where the last escape pod is located. On the way, you have to avoid fire and fatal falls.


Early development - Submission to GameOff

Diego Ramirez started to develop a game for the GameOff 2022 jam.

The game jam’s theme was “cliché”… They also provided a bunch of clichés to get started. I wasn’t sure of what to do, but then I picked this cliché: “Abandon the ship”. That’s where the real development started.

~ @DiddiLeija

Using a similar strategy from his previous game, Diddi and the Bugs, Ramirez developed a simple platformer-like game. Then he released it to itch.io and the jam. And then, Ramirez launched a 1.0.0 version, which is the “jam version” of the game itself.

The game rank was later published by Ramirez, in his Discord server, as follows:

Heads up @everyone! the results are here… and we rated 202th from 562 submissions!

~ @DiddiLeija (quoted from a post in DiddiLeija’s Discord Server)

After that, Ramirez pinned some goals for improving on a further release.


Ramirez is interested on maintaining this game, based in the “jam version”’s feedback.