DiddiLeija's website

My personal website.

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My programmer profile (or something like that)

Here you can read some details and highlights of my developer profile. It’s more like a “fun facts list”, though.

Programming languages

Spoken languages that I use for programming

The percentages aren’t a real amount, they’re just to give you an idea of how much do I use them.

Programming branches

In order of preference:

  1. Game development. It’s more a hobby than a job, but I love it
  2. Packaging. I’ve been working on packaging for a long time, and I really like it.
  3. GUIs. I love making things visible for everyone, you know.
  4. Web programming. I’m not an expert at all, but I like it.
  5. Databases. I’m not a “huge fan” of doing databases, but I can do it.

In order of usage:

  1. Packaging. I am currently working to find a way to improve in this area.
  2. Game development. I’m constantly improving my current games and creating new ones.
  3. GUIs. I make GUIs for some business locally.
  4. Databases. I don’t like them, but my community needs databases for their jobs.
  5. Web programming. I create personal projects with JavaScript or just HTMLs.


Those organizations that I’ve joined.

Some important contributions

Please check my projects list.

Fact: Why “DiddiLeija”?

Some people (or many?) may ask: “Who or what is ‘Diddi’?”, “Why are you using an image of a masked person in your profiles?”, and “Where does ‘DiddiLeija’ came from?” I’ll give you the answers now and here.

I love programming, but I also like drawing: I like to draw and write comics.

One of my characters is named Diddi. He wears a dark mask, black suit and a green backpack. On my comics, Diddi is a digital hero from the future, that hides himself from the rest of the people by using a metal mask. I have to admit it: I loved Diddi from the first time.

Diddi Sketch No. 35

So, when I started to share code with the world, I decided to take the name, and I made some changes to it (I added “Leija”, which is a spanish surname). After that, “DiddiLeija” appears… To keep the personality of Diddi, I selected the Jekyll theme hacker for my website.

If you’re interested in Diddi, feel free to read its entry from my wiki.

Now, I think you’ll understand more things about me and this site, right?