DiddiLeija's Log

My personal collection of ideas, articles and thoughts.

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What’s up for 2025

New releases, more life to my Ko-fi, drops, and much more! (January 14th, 2025)

I don’t believe in “New Year goals” and such things, but I certainly believe in having goals to achieve what we want, either short-term and long-term.

2024 was not an active year for me, for a variety of reasons I’m not mentioning now. However, I expect 2025 to be a better year for us all, so I’ve prepared a list of tasks of what’s coming this year, and even how you can contribute.

Diddi and the Bugs v4: Custom skins, updated tools and more!

Squash those bugs in style! Diddi and the Bugs is expected to return this year with a new major version, that includes:

I’m already working to pull out this exciting release, the result of almost 2 years of intermittent work.

Would you like to be part of this? There are still some uncatched issues to fix before we launch version 4, so please take a look at the TODO list and see if you can support us with your ideas or code!

Bring my Ko-fi page back to life

My Ko-fi has been dead for a while. There is a commission site for customized artwork, but this year I’m planning to add a variety of new items on sale!

You interested? Stay tuned for news about this. Also, a Ko-fi tip would motivate me to make this true!

Negociador: A Spanish-focused business manager

This year I’m making efforts to refactor old projects. One of them was ControlDeAgua, a pure-spanish business app made for a specific client in 2020. But currently the client hasn’t shown direct interest in sponsoring a major new version of this tool (in the end, it didn’t come through a totally-stable version at all), and the codebase has been rottening through the years.

So I finally decided to shut down the project, and re-create it under a new name: Negociador. This new iteration, built from zero, is intended to replace its ancestor with a much more open view of potential users. Instead of focusing on a single type of business, Negociador is planned to cover a wider bunch of business needs, either inspired from ControlDeAgua or other available tools, including:

This app is on early development, and is spanish-only (ony for spanish-speaking users) However, you can see and contribute freely to the source code at github.com/DiddiLeija/negociador!

Rise or die: the future of my older projects

Several of my older projects have been unmaintained for a while, or never reached production status (some are still hanging in development state), and some have been unactive for almost 5 years. Though I really appreciate these projects and what they’ve made in my developer career, it’s time to move on.

Not an easy choice, that’s for sure, but also it’s unrealistic to think I’ll be able to maintain all of them and my current projects at the same time. So, I’m putting and end to this by deciding which projects will keep maintained and which are being archived for good.

The list is not definitive, but includes these GitHub repos:

Yup, it’s a very long list, but it’s worth it if we want to move into new stuff.

Update the games

I have a small game collection hanging around itch.io. However, some of these games have been unmaintained for a while. Since I’m not planning to delete these games, I’m planning a “passive development” plan, where no major features are pushed, but keep the codebase clean and updated. Of course, I’m willing to make new features for my current games if you want to!

Wanna help? Go and see if my games’ GitHub repos have open issues, or go and open one if you spot something. I’d love to hear your thoughts on my work!

External repos, here I go!

I’ve been part of the PyPA and Nox dev teams for a while, but last year I wasn’t very active. This year, I’d like to return as much as I can :)

Anything else?

Of course! I have non-programmer goals as well. I recently started teaching chess in my city, which is a huge step for me, and I’m planning to keep on that for a while.

And, speaking of games, I may drop something new… a new chapter in Diddi’s game story, and possibly throwing more light to the universe he lives in… But I’m not giving away more details by now.