May 4th, 2022
May the 4th…
Today it’s Star Wars day! Woo hoo!
(Yeah, I know, this is absolutely unrelated to programming, designing, and that stuff, but… I can’t help posting this! :P).
Resurrecting some forgotten projects
I left a few projects forgotten, like Control de Agua (which is actually a personal effort to help my local folks), aleat3 (which I left for an unknown reason), and mabe a few others. So, I have the intention to work again on them, and maybe convert them into valuable projects!
Keep modding with Minecraft
I’m still learning to use the Minecraft interfaces and mods, and I’m having fun in the process (though I’m a bit afraid of the new agressive cows I made). And all what I’ve made is thanks to the open-source docs exposed at That’s something I love of open source: all what you need is there, and everyone can access to it.