Deprecated pages
Here’s a list of pages that used to be an active part of my website, but I dropped and deprecated. Their information and data is also deprecated.
- My programmer diary. A (now unmaintained) binnacle.
- Pages on my projects section. Projects that deserve their own page…
: Miscellaneous experiments of programmingDiddiOS
: A developer-friendly OS, based on Linux (unmantained)
- My articles section.
- 1. Creating standalone Windows executables from Python code, using cx_Freeze
- 2. Why you shouldn’t install Python from the Microsoft Store if you want to do advanced code?
- 3. Jumping from Python 2 to Python 3
- 4. Using Nox to automate your tests
- 5. Comparating the most popular Operative Systems of our days
- 6. Following a style and quality standard on your Python code